
153Hz & the Age of Aquarius 2

〓Fibromyalgia. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴線維筋痛症

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Vaginal Cancer. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴膣がん

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Bone Deformation. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴骨の変形

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Ulcerative colitis. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴潰瘍性大腸炎

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Sore Throat. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴喉の痛み

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Heberden's Node. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴へバーデン結節

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Periodontal disease. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴歯周病

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Kidney disease. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴腎臓病

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Cataract. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴白内障

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Nausea. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴吐き気

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Meteoropathy. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴気象病

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Schizophrenia. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴統合失調症

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Dental diseases. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴歯の病気全般

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Asthma & bronchial. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴喘息・気管支炎

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Autonomic neuropathy. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴自律神経障害

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Maculopathy. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴黄斑症

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Hearing los. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴難聴

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Gastroesophageal Reflux. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴胃食道逆流

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Bald head. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴禿げ

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Diabetes. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴糖尿病

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓PTSD. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴PTSD

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Hepatitis virus. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴肝炎ウイルス

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Insomnia. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴不眠症

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Autoimmune disease. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴自己免疫疾患

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Anaphylaxie shock. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴アナフィラキシー・ショック

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Skin Mall. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴皮膚ほくろ

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Depression. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴うつ病

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓General Virus. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴ウイルス一般

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Infertility. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴不妊症

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Gluten enteropathy. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴グルテン性腸症

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.


〓Prostate cancer. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴前立腺がん

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Metabolic syndrome. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴メタボリック症候群

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Hearing hypersensitivity. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴聴覚過敏

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Analgesia. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴鎮痛

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Sagging wrinkles and fine lines. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴シワの弛みとほうれい線

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Pneumonia. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴肺炎

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.


〓Dark circles under the eyes. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴目の下のクマ

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Hair disease. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴髪の病気

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Hirsutism. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴多毛症

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Double chin. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴二重あご

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Breast cancer. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴乳がん

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Motion Sickness. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴乗り物酔い

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Hair-trigger. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴短気イライラ症

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Violet around the mouth. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴口周辺のホクロ

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Reconstructive Surgical Procedures. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴美容再建手術手順

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Cat diseases. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴猫の病気全般

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Dog diseases. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴犬の病気全般

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Crohn's disease. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴クローン病

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓SARS. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴SARS

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Constipation. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴便秘

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Skin – Collagen Building. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴肌のコラーゲン構築

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Hay fever. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴花粉症

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Bird Disease. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴鳥の病気

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Beautiful skin. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴美肌

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Liver disease. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴肝臓病

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Integrated movement disorder. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴統合運動障害

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Blood flow improvement. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴血流改善

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Skin blemishes. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴肌のシミ

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Eye lens. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴目の水晶体

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Photodermatitis. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴光線皮膚炎

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Tinnitus. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴耳鳴り

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Arrhythmia. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴不整脈

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Female illness in general. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴女性の病気全般

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Heart disease. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴心臓病

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Erectile dysfunction. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴勃起不全

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Tonsillitis. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴扁桃腺炎

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Heart failure. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴心不全

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Gout. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴痛風

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Thrombosis. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴血栓症

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Panic disorder. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴パニック障害

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Frequent urination. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴頻尿

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Bipolar depression. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴双極性うつ病

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Asperger's Syndrome. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴アスペルガー症候群

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Prostatic Diseases. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴前立腺の病気

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Correct the posture of the spine. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴背骨の姿勢を矯正

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Lactose Intolerance. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴乳糖不耐症

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Autism. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴自閉症

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Obsessive-compulsive disorder. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴強迫性障害

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Freckles. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴ソバカス

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Amino acid metabolism. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴アミノ酸代謝

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.


〓Toxin extraction detoxification. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴毒素抽出デトックス

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Halitosis Etiquette. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴口臭エチケット

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Hallux valgus. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴外反母趾

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Sleeping disorde. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴睡眠障害

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Sympathetic Nervous System. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴交感神経系

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Dry eye. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴ドライアイ

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Straight neck. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴ストレートネック

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Aplastic anemia. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴再生不良性貧血

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Melenosis. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴黒皮症

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.

〓Metal Detox Heavy Metal 1. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.🔴金属デトックス重金属1

153Hz & the Age of Aquarius.